Friday, March 06, 2009

Roll up the Rim 2009

Roll up the Rim season has started again. And as usual, I’ve put up a spreadsheet online. (There is a link over on the right-hand side of the blog.) But I’ve already messed up: I missed not one, but two coffees! I had two yesterday, and forgot to roll up the rim on both of them.


Anonymous said...

Are these all M/L/XL cups? Or do they vary?

David Hunter said...

So far, they’re all medium coffees. That’s about the only size I buy. I’ve thought about adding calculations to the spreadsheet to compare my winnings on a monetary basis, but have never bothered. Occasionally I’ll get a different size of coffee than medium—not often, but once in a while—but I’m sure I could compensate for that, too.

If I ever win anything other than a coffee or a donut, maybe those calculations will be worthwhile.