Wednesday, July 22, 2009


I should have posted these a while ago. Andrea and I and a bunch of her cousins went to Niagara-on-the-Lake (NotL) a couple of weeks ago, for a winery tour/tasting, which was great.

While we were there, we went to the lakeshore, and noticed that from NotL you can actually see the Toronto skyline. I immediately pulled out my iPhone to snap a couple of pictures, only to find that the resolution on my phone isn’t nearly good enough to capture it.

Pictures with a different border have extra “notes” associated with them, on Flickr.

Niagara on the Lake

Niagara on the Lake

If I look really carefully at that first picture, I can see a pixel or two that might be the Toronto skyline. It was very apparent in person, but the iPhone camera just wasn’t powerful enough to capture it.

I did get some better pictures, though. We stepped back into the trees, and I managed to get a couple of nice pictures of the sun streaming down through the leaves.
Niagara on the Lake

Niagara on the Lake

Monday, July 20, 2009


Andrea has introduced me to a number of artists before they ever became popular; M.I.A. for example, and Lady Sovereign. The latest artist she’s introduced me to is K’NAAN.

An excellent example video is the one for Dreamer:

Two more examples, that I won’t bother to put here, I’ll just link to:
  • TIA—another example of a video that just perfectly fits the music.
  • ABC’s—not the cleverest video, but a great song, and it showcases his skills on the mic.