Wikked Lil' Grrrl says:
Is that not the sexiest shoe you've ever seen???
sernaferna says:
Meh. It's not really a style that I like.
Wikked Lil' Grrrl says:
*blink* How... how are we friends, serna? It's like I don't even know you.
sernaferna says:
Yeah, I'm an enigma wrapped in a riddle wrapped in fat.
Wikked Lil' Grrrl says: in fat? you're not fat.
sernaferna says:
Only around the belly.
sernaferna says:
And the sides.
Wikked Lil' Grrrl says:
Like a mini marshmallow in the middle of a toothpick?
sernaferna says:
There was some on my back, but I think that's gone. Healthy eating is working...
sernaferna says:
Well... if the toothpick isn't right in the centre of the marshmallow. If you stick it in closer to the edge, so that most of the marshmallow is on one side of the toothpick...
Wikked Lil' Grrrl says:
Well, just as long as you stay in the mini marshmallow range, and don't balloon into a Jumbo Mallow. Or an entire tub of Fluffernutter.
sernaferna says:
sernaferna says:
Unfortunately, I have no clever response to that, before I blog this.
Wikked Lil' Grrrl says:
Awww You'll just have to leave a "to be continued..." disclaimer on the blog.
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